Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I am on the constant search few new innovative ways to combine traditional therapies to enhance and compound the benefits. I have been a traditional orthodox practitioner for much of my early career to allow a deeper understanding of how acupuncture works and how best to apply it.

However, we no longer have traditional clients we cannot rely on people to come in regularly three times a week for treatments and I often only see people a few times before they give up and seek other means or decide perhaps acupuncture is not for them. People need in this internet world fast results and instant relief. So I have changed my work to accommodate this trend . I still believe the old fashioned way is superior because we are working from the ground up on the root of the problem but for those busy people who believe they just need their pain fixed and that's it, well we can help that too.

I like being client directed however I would warn when one just asks for their pain problem and nothing else there is an opportunity for change that is being ignored. The body is talking or even yelling in some instances and it is not like a car just change the part and the rest will be fine. Prevention is the opportunity here and it is often overlooked as one of the main reasons to ever come to an acupuncturist. So I would just like to share a bit of wisdom here that when you look for the big change in your symptom it is like the tree in the forest. Fixing one tree is not going to do much for the forest. However, it is a good start and the reduction in stress and pain is often a catalyst for change and gratitude for life. So one treatment is better than no treatment but ongoing visits are more important for the client than the acupuncturist.

With that preamble here are some of the methods I have studied and practiced and developed over the years  to help make people feel better and prevent future problems. They are all natural and the side effects are usually pleasant surprises like my sleep has improved or my golf game is better or can acupuncture help my memory cause I seem to be remembering things easier.

Before you read further I would say to a common question WHY DO YOU DO ACUPUNCTURE? My answer is always if there was anything that worked better, was more natural and had less side effects I would do it instead. I still stand by this and I wish there was anything more effective than acupunture for so many things and really there is not. Most people who come dread it and only try it because they have tried everything else then like a miracle, at least to them it helps. What other profession has more pressure more complex cases and more doubt and resistance than acupunture. Yet we still get amazing results almost all the time. I hope you enjoy this short explanation below or some of the wonderful ways I like to do acupuncture.



The strength of this is the diagnosis of internal organ problems. I use this diagnostic system with every client to have an idea of the root cause and to gauge how long and how strong the treatment should be.  This style goes deeper and uses longer needles. The idea is the energy can be deeper than on the surface and it seems to be true with studies on reflex and blood flow changes in the body. This style is very balancing and focuses on the root and branch both or the cause and the symptom both. Treatments with this style are very complex and require numerous visits but the results are slow but really worth it. This is the best way to work in my opinion but it is time consuming and requires an deep relationship between client and practitioner. Herbs should also be included in this approach and an ongoing treatment plan with a minimum of four visits per year when symptom free is required to really benefit from this approach.  This is the real deal when it comes to acupuncture but it is the slow and easy way which some people don't have the patience for.


This is also very traditional and involves seeing a problem more as a meridian flow problem. One reroutes energy by using point often on the opposite side of the problem to balance the energy deficit or blockage in a particular area. One example that works quite well is treating the left leg to treat the right shoulder. Palpation plays a major role in this method and finding points that are tender to the touch are often most effective.
This method usually uses more needles and smaller ones and going just below the skin is often enough.  Results here are quick and instant literally within a minute or two you notice a difference in pain in particular. However the results need to be reinforced and weekly visits are important for a few weeks usually if the problem is old and chronic. People are impressed with this method because it works so fast they think you are a magician or something. This is great for a first visit and builds trust and proves there is some clear benefit to acupuncture.


This involves using an herb mugwort or infrared heat from a lamp or laser to warm the points. Both Japanese and Chinese styles use this and I find it is very good for slow to heal infections like bed sores or ulcers on the leg or foot. This method increases and stimulated blood flow to the area as well as boosts the white blood cell count. This is great for weak and chronic problems that have been difficult to get movement or progress on. This is a more intensive treatment and can be included in the above even on a first visit but because of the smell usually I use a heat lamp. People love the dry heat when focused on a painful pain for example.


Cupping is an amazing way to also bring stimulation to an area also to relieve stagnant swollen stiff joints. It tends to straighten out fascia in the area cupped and when used in a sliding manner is great on the back and tends to have a lasting effect on how the blood flows in an area weeks after ward. I find energy levels and metabolism generally increase also. The bruising that can be avoided or used to advantage deposits blood in an area delivering platelets which help to heal joints and tendons and torn muscles. This uses the bodies own natural healing mechanism similar when a bruise occurs.


This has has been found to enhance the production of  human growth hormone in the body and works great to reduce energy in the body. It is kind of the opposite of cupping and moxabustion in that is is great for acute problems that are fairly new or a problem that is in excess. A overly energetic person or to gently simulate a muscle or area when a person is overly sensitive. I also have used it to numb an area to allow some deeper needling to be done more comfortably. It is wonderful to help a person deeply relax as well as to suppress the appetite.


The german system is based on the early french and chinese ear system but takes it a step further using fMRIs and vascular autonomic system responses to map out the ear points to a precise degree, This system can treat almost any pain, addiction, emotional problems, and many functional problems like high blood pressure allergies and more. It is another complete system which I use almost daily to great success. The added benefit is tiny metal pellets can be placed with tiny skin colored band aids to keep the treatment working for a week or more at a time. Great for quitting smoking or any ongoing problems anxiety high blood pressure or even back pain.


This is a way of manipulating the needles to find trigger points inside painful muscles. A twitch response is usually the outcome in the muscle being needled. It is less uncomfortable than having the area pressed or massaged and instantly the muscle relaxes knots disappear and the flexibility is regained. Some soreness due to the muscle relaxing not because of the needling occurs for a few hours to a few days. This works great  when the pain is chronic and keeps coming back when other methods have failed to retain pain free functioning.


This involves all of the above methods accept an added benefit of safety is added using a more sturdy needle. This allows for deeper muscles to be safely addressed. The other added benefit is the use of homeopathics and vitamins to aid in the healing response. B12 is very common to use for it speeds up the healing response in a muscle as well as the detoxification of any stored waste materials in the muscle. The homeopathics used are trameel, zeel and lymphocet all these are used for inflammation  pain and swelling and can be used in combination if one has two or three problems.  I have been using these only in the last year and have found the results to be remarkable. I can say for many pain issues this is one of the fastest methods available to resolve old or new injuries and any chronic pain. Back pain, heel pain knee pain wrist pain all of these require multiple and ongoing often treatment. However with injection the healing time and number of treatments is cut easily in half. As an acupuncturist this is an amazing leap in practice and a great way to help people especially the most difficult of cases.










Friday, November 2, 2012

90% of us have HOLES in our Head. Or in our Brain scans anyway.

The Following is a summary of much of the information from 


As we grow older we are seeing more need to preserve our mental capacity if we want to continue to grow and explore the world well into retirement. This is a list of general and specific suggestions on how to preserve and even enhance brain function.

Dr Amen the author and his research team took over 40,000 brain scans using SPECT imaging to determine how different areas of the brain are effected. They found only 90 out of 3000 brains they measured are actually healthy. That means you and I probably have unhealthy brains and are at risk of some serious senility later in life. Or more literally we have holes in our head.

Dr. Amens team found that unhealthy brains will have holes of inactivity where function is absent. These are seen from a range of a few empty areas to more in a drug addict and large holes in Alzheimer patients. 

This list is a summary and below are specific suggestions for particular areas of the brain.

He suggests these foods  and activities as GOOD FOR THE BRAIN lessen Holes in brain scan or SPECT readings.

1. Blueberries are the best, my favorite stock up and freeze when cheap.
2. Avocados great all the time for the fatty acids similar to brain matter.
3. Walnuts 3x more healthy fatty acids than almonds shaped like a brain too.
4. Green tea decaf is seen as better.
5. Fish oil, or flax or hemp oil for omega 3. take or cook with daily.
6.Get enough sleep – less than a minimum of six hours decreases blood flow to the brain
7.  Exercise - dance - play table tennis – the best sport because it utilizes eyes, hands and feet. Exercise is found to be better than any cognitive activity like reading or chess in retaining healthy senior brain function.
8. Keep learning, languages are the most beneficial since they create massive new neuro interconnections or musical instrument. 
9. Water is critical to brain - drink plenty through the day - 80% of the brain is water
10.  Take a multivitamin daily.
11.Best brain diet is lean protein, good complex and low glycemic carbohydrates
Green leafy vegetables and vegetables in general of many colors which increase antacids. Turkey, tuna and other lean meat are great for maintaining the tissue of the brain.
12. Broccoli for folate.
13. Vitamin C, citrus or red peppers daily.
14. Avoid hits to the Head most serious for brain function. 

Bad for the brain Increase holes in brain scan or Spect readings.

1. Too much caffeine
2. Alcohol
3. Inhaling fumes gas, sprays, paint all add up like a rain barrel effect.
4. Organic toxins- avoid pain and anxiety medications if you can
5. Head injuries - wear a helmet that fits; use your seat belt, repair your vehicle, use snow tires, drive safe, bike safe ect.
6. Stress and lack of sleep both decrease blood flow to brain when chronic will slowly dry the brain out causing holes.

SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF BRAIN FUNCTION To better understand how the brain works and what to be aware of when preventing or understanding problems.

1st principle – The brain determines how you think, feel, act and get along with others. Your personality, character and soul. This is why it should be seen as very important. 

2nd Principle – When the brain works right you work right, and when it is not working right you don’t work right When your brain is healthy you are focused, happy, relaxed, loving and affectionate When your brain is not working right you are distracted, sad, anxious, angry, and not as affective

3rd principle – The brain can lose up to 85000 connections a day when compromised.
4th principle –Wear a helmet the brain is like jello in a hard skull. Brain injuries are very debilitating as we see in boxers and hockey players concussions can make a big difference in brain function.

5th principle - Many things can hurt or help the brain

Things that hurt:

  • Drugs
  • Head injuries are very bad
  • Alcohol (take only one or two drinks a week) Drinkers have smaller brains
  • Lack of exercise
  • Not enough sleep – less than six hours a night decrease blood flow to the brain.
  • Stress
  • Smoking ages the brain and dehydrates it.
  • Too much caffeine. Only one or two dehydrates the brain and blood flow.
  • Negative thinking reduces blood flow to the brain.

Things that help:

• New learning makes new connections
• Healthy diet
• Daily vitamins and fish oil
• Exercise
• Great sleep
• Social connections of family hobby, club
• Positive thinking especially gratitude. Your brain is more coordinated
when you are grateful
• Meditation is amazing for brain function. It activates the most thoughtful
• Regular sexual activity helps mood and pain relief. Having sex three times
a week reduces heart and stroke problems by 50% and decreases pain by

6th principle – One (size) does not fit everyone’s diagnosis. Depression is a symptom
  •  Chemical imbalance
  •  Grief
  •  Chronic stress
  •  Financial losses
  •  Relationship problems
  •  Low thyroid
7th principle – You can change your brain and change your life
Only 90 out of 3000 brains are healthy drugs and smoking cause more damage than you can imagine. Smoking is number one cause of strokes in the brain.


Pre frontal cortex – Humans have 30%, chimps 14% (?) dogs 7% and cats 0%

• Focus
• Forethought
• Judgment
• Empathy
• Impulse control
• Learning from mistakes

Problems cause:

Short attention span, Don’t learn from mistakes, Act like cat that lacks impulse control, Procrastination, Bad judgment
Not much empathy, ADD – low activity version
Weak conscience, Low persistence
Low energy depression
Need to be upset in order to concentrate

Things that help:

Develop and maintain clear focus (One page miracle)
Focus on what you like a lot more than what you don’t like
Have meaning, purpose, stimulation, and excitement in your life
Get organized; get help when you need it
Consider brain - wave biofeedback training
Try audiovisual stimulation
Don’t be another person’s stimulant
Consider prefrontal cortex stimulation
Watch your prefrontal cortex nutrition
Try Mozart for focus
Write out goals in all aspects – relationship, money, physical, spiritual
Exercise – intense aerobic
High protein, low carbohydrate diet
Fish oil

Cingulate brain - at front of brain


Brain’s ability to shift gears
To be flexible and go with the flow
Sees options
Idea to idea movement
Error detection
Problems cause:
If it works too hard serotonin gets too low
Get stuck in thoughts, hurts, grudges
Fault finding
Micro managers
Appears selfish

Things that help:

Notice when you are stuck, distract yourself, and come back to the
problem later
Think through answers before automatically saying no
Write options and solutions when you feel stuck
Seek the counsel of others when you feel stuck
Memorize and recite the serenity prayer when bothered by repetitive
Don’t try to convince someone else who is stuck: take a break and come
back later
Try making paradoxical requests
Learn how to deal with oppositional children. Give them options or use
reverse psychology (Baby powder is an aphrodisiac for women who say
no to sex)
Consider cingulated medications
Try nutritional interventions
Exercise boosts serotonin
Best diet is high carbohydrate and low protein
Carbohydrates boost serotonin
Dark chocolate
Take 5 http supplement

Limbic system


Emotional brain
Our bonding
Processing pain, smell, sex and libido
Drive us to love and work
Our mood, happy or sad
Cinnamon is an aphrodisiac for men

Problems cause:

Sadness, Depression
Automatic negative thoughts
Thoughts lie a lot
Less interest in things usually

Things that help:

Exercise is critical at least 4 x a week (works better than drug Zoloft)
Fish oil is low in depressed people. Countries where people who ate the
most fish had lowest depression
Write out negative thoughts and talk back to them – Ask is this true?
Natural food supplements

Deep Limbic System


• Sets the emotional tone of the mind
• Filters external events through internal states (creates emotional coloring)
• Tags events as internally important
• Stores highly charged emotional memories
• Modulate motivation
• Controls appetite and sleep cycles
• Promotes bonding
• Directly processes the sense of smell
• Modulates libido


• Moodiness, irritability, clinical depression
• Increased negative thinking
• Negative perception of events
• Decreased motivation
• Flood of negative emotions
• Appetite and sleep problems
• Decreased or increased sexual responsiveness
• Social isolation


• Kill the ANTS (automatic negative thoughts)
• Kill the ANTS/ Feed your anteater
• Surround yourself with people who provide positive bonding
• Protect your children with limbic bonding
• Build people skills to enhance limbic bonds
• Recognize the importance of physical contact
• Surround yourself with great smells
• Build a library of wonderful memories
• Consider limbic medications
• Try physical exercise
• Watch your limbic nutrition

Basal Ganglia


Integrates feeling and movement
Shifts and soothes fine motor behaviors
Suppresses unwanted motor behaviors
Sets the body’s idle speed or anxiety level
Enhances motivation
Mediates pleasure/ecstasy

Problems cause:

Anxiety, nervousness
Panic attacks
Physical sensations of anxiety
Tendency to predict the worst
Conflict avoidance
Tourette’s syndrome/tics
Muscle tension, soreness
Fine motor problems
Low/excessive motivation

Things that help:

Kill the fortune telling ANTS (automatic negative thoughts)Use guided imagery
Try diaphragmatic breathing
Try meditation /self hypnosis
Learn how to deal with conflict
Consider basal ganglia medications
Watch your basal ganglia nutrition

The temporal lobes


Dominant side (usually the left)
• Understanding and processing language
• Intermediate-term memory
• Long term memory
• Auditory learning
• Retrieval of words
• Complex memories
• Visual and auditory processing
• Emotional stability
Non dominant side (usually the right)
• Recognizing facial expressions
• Decoding vocal intonation
• Rhythm
• Music
• Visual learning

Problems with the dominant (Usually left) Temporal Lobe

• Aggression, internally or externally directed
• Dark or violent thoughts
• Sensitivity to slights; mild paranoia
• Word-fining problems
• Auditory processing problems
• Reading difficulties
• Emotional instability

Problems with the Nondominant (Usually right) Temporal Lobe

• Difficulty recognizing facial expression
• Difficulty decoding vocal intonation
• Implicated in social-skill struggles

Problems with Either or Both Temporal Lobes

• Memory problems
• Headaches or abdominal pain without a clear explanation
• Anxiety or fear for no particular reason
• Abnormal sensory perceptions, visual or auditory distortions
• Feelings of déjà vu (that you have previously experienced something when
you haven’t) or jamais vu (not recognizing familiar people or places)
• Periods of spaciness or confusion
• Religious or moral preoccupation
• Hypergraphia, exercise writing
• Seizures

Things that help:

Create a Library of wonderful experiences
Sing whenever/wherever you can
Use humming and toning to tune up your brain
Listen to Classical music
Learn to play a musical instrument
Move in rhythms
Consider temporal lobe medications
Get enough sleep
Eliminate caffeine and nicotine
Watch your nutrition
Try EEG biofeedback